Reincarnation Expanded

The version of reincarnate found in the standard Player's Handbook may be enough to sate some adventurers... well, at least the BORING ones that is! This document outlines an alternate version of the spell reincarnate. One that any DM leading a party of powergamers would best avoid using. For all else, enjoy.

The Steps to Reincarnation!

  1. Roll on the Base Table
  2. Roll on the Sex Table (result has no effect on a character's gender)
  3. Roll on the Successfulness Table and follow instructions from there
  4. Roll on any additional applicable tables
  5. Finish up by rolling on any applicable subrace tables for your race


An asterisk next to a race indicates that there is a matching subrace table to roll on. For instance, the Elements table would be used to determine what kind of Genasi, elemental, etc. a character ends up as. There are also tables for dragon types, tiefling types, and many more. Find these tables in the Subraces section at the end of the book.

1d100 Result
1-3 Aarakocra
4-7 Aasimar*
8-10 Centaur
10-13 Changeling
14-17 Dragonborn*
18-21 Dwarf*
22-25 Elf*
26-29 Firbolg
30-33 Genasi*
34-36 Gith*
37-40 Gnome*
41-44 Goblinoid*
45-48 Goliath
49-52 Halfling*
53-56 Half-Elf*
57-60 Half-Orc
60-63 Human
64-67 Kenku
68-71 Kobold*
72-75 Lizardfolk
76-78 Minotaur
79-81 Orc
82-85 Tabaxi
86-89 Tiefling*
90-93 Tortle
94-97 Triton
98-100 Yuan-Ti Pureblood
1d100 Result
1-50 Female
51-100 Male

Even the most powerful spellcasters make mistakes! Roll on this table even when the caster is using optimal conditions. If something is VERY wrong, jump ahead to the following tables:

  • If the caster uses sub-optimal component pieces, roll on the Mutation table 1-3 times depending on how bad the components are as determined by the DM
  • If the caster uses the wrong component pieces, learned the spell wrong, or the spell is interrupted or sabotaged, roll on the Whoops! table
  • If the weave is distorted or damaged in the area, roll on the Wild Magic table
  • If there is some kind of outside magical influence, such as a fiend, fey, powerful undead, or deity affecting the weave of the area, or the spell is being cast in a plane such as Shadowfell or the Feywilds, roll of the table that best matches that kind of influence in the Magical Distortions section.

1d20 Result
1-15 Success. Take result from Base table
16 Mixed Success. Roll on the Mutation table once and add results to base race
17 Mixed Success. Roll on the Mutation table twice and add results to base race
18 Mixed Success. Roll on the Mutation table thrice and add results to base race
19 Weave Distortion. Roll on the Wild Magic table and add results to base race unless the result asks for you to roll on the Exotic Races table
20 Failure. Roll on the Whoops! table and add results to base race unless the result asks for you to roll on the Exotic Races table


Well... something went a little awry, but it could be worse! Roll away! If your base race already has the feature that the mutation describes, tough luck, roll again!

1d100 Mutation
1-2 You have twice the normal amount of eyes as your race
3-4 You have twice the normal amount of arms as your race
5-6 You grow wings and a flying speed equal to your land speed
7-8 You develop fiendish traits including horns, glowing eyes, and sharp teeth
9-10 You are half the size your race normally is and your Strength score decreases by 2
11-12 You are twice the size that your race normally is and your Strength score increases by 2
13-14 You are covered in horrible scars or deformities and your Charisma score is reduced by 1
15-16 Chimera! Roll on the Base race table again. You are now a mixture of those two races. The DM decides how these mix
17-18 You are blind, but have blindsight up to a 30 ft radius
19-20 You are deaf, but have extraordinary eyesight and gain advantage on perception and investigation checks that rely on sight.
21-22 Your Strength score decreases by 4 but your Intelligence score increases by 4
23-24 You resemble your base race, but are made completely out of plant matter and are vulnerable to fire damage but you do not need to eat
25-26 You are an amphibious version of your race, can breathe underwater, and gain a swimming speed equal to your land speed
27-28 You age at half the speed of your base race
29-30 You age at twice the speed of your base race
31-32 You are mute, but can communicate telepathically to intelligent creatures within 30 ft of you. You can only do this to one creature at a time, but they need not share a language with you to understand you
33-34 Bad luck! You have a degenerative disease that will kill you unless it is cured with a greater restoration or wish spell! Your Constitution score is 7 and reduces by 1 every 24 hours until you die! How fun!
35-36 You're a natural-born lycanthrope... sort of. Roll on the lycanthropy subrace chart
37-38 Your tongue is like a frog's and is as long as you are tall
39-40 Your body is translucent
41-42 You are an unnaturally beautiful specimen, your Charisma increases by 1
43-44 You curse everyone who touches you with mummy rot! Hope you didn't have an SO!
45-46 You glow in the dark
47-48 Your skin is a strange and unnatural color for your race
49-50 You are covered in scales
51-52 You are paralyzed from the waist down
53-54 You have an exoskeleton which grants you a natural AC of 13
55-56 You have an eye in the middle of your forehead and can cast scrying once per long rest without the use of a crystal ball or mirror
57-58 You are reincarnated as a skeletal version of your base race
59-60 You are reincarnated as a child
61-62 You are reincarnated as an elderly person
63-64 You have a tail
65-66 Your arms are dexterous prehensile tentacles. Your reach increases by 5 ft
67-68 Your body is made out of crystal
69-70 Your fingers end in long, sharp claws which do 1d6 slashing damage
71-72 You are an albino
73-74 Shifter! Roll again on the Base race table. You can now shift between your base races whenever you complete a long rest
75-76 You do not need to blink and do not have eyelids
77-78 You mimic sounds in the same way as a Kenku, but cannot speak normally
79-80 You are repulsed by the taste of vegetable matter and can only eat meat
81-82 You are repulsed by the taste of meat and can only eat vegetable matter
83-84 You gain empathic abilities that lets you intuitively know the surface emotions of those around you
85-86 Your legs are replaced by a mass of tentacles. Your land speed stays the same
87-88 Centaur-ish! You have the lower half of a random animal from the animal types table
89-90 You have a mass of boney spines growing from your back
91-92 Your genitalia is... unusual in some way
93-94 You have the antlers of a deer
95-96 You have mouths on your palms
97-98 You can change your hair color and style at will
99-00 Congratulations! You're magic! Roll on the Sorcery and Other Powers table!

In the case that The Weave around the area which a reincarnation spell is cast is damaged or unusual in some way, strange magical events may occur. This may be obvious to a caster, or the caster may just have been unlucky and tugged at a few of the wrong threads of magic. Either way, that's what this table is for!

Wild Magic
1d20 Result
1-4 The target is brought back as a race from the Exotic Races table
5-6 The target is brought back in their previous body, but immedietly disintegrates into magically charged dust
7-8 Someone who is not the target is brought back from the dead. This person is determined by the DM
9-10 The target is successfully reincarnated, but comes back somewhere else within 10 miles
11-12 A new body is created by the reincarnate spell, and the proper soul is summoned, but the caster ends up in the new body and the target ends up in the caster's body
13-14 The target's new body radiates with magical energy, and constantly illuminates the area within 10 ft of them with bright, arcane light.
15-16 The target is successfully brought back... only they're stuck in the ethereal plane
17-18 A powerful entity takes an interest in the reincarnated target and offers them a warlock pact within 21 days
19-20 Sorcery! Roll on the Sorcery and Other Powers table!

Well son, you done fucked up. Something really bad happened. Your spell was sabatoged, those expensive components you bought were actually just made of paper mache, you mumbled the last word of the incantation and now all you can say is "Whoops!"

1d20 Mishap
1-10 The target is brought back as a race from the Exotic Races table
11-13 The target is brought back as a race from the Exotic Races table with one mutation from the Mutations table
14 The target is brought back as a zombie of the base race they rolled and retains their personality, mental ability scores, class levels, etc.
15 The target is brought back as a skeleton of the base race they rolled and retains their personality, mental ability scores, class levels, etc.
16 The target is brought back as a vampiric version of their old self. The DM chooses whether or not they are in control of this vampire, if the player retains their alignment and personality, etc.
17 The target is brought back under the effects of the feeblemind spell
18 The target is brought back as a familiar to the caster as described in the find familiar spell. They retain their personality, mental ablility scores, and knowledge but cannot use their class features
19 The target's soul is brought back and instead of going into the new body created by reincarnate, goes into the nearest full suit of plate armor and becomes animated armor. They retain their personality, mental ability scores, class levels, etc.
20 The target's soul is brought back and instead of going into the new body created by reincarnate, goes into the nearest tree, shrub, etc. and becomes an awakened plant. They retain their personality, mental ability scores, class levels, etc.

Well, you ended up here one way or another. Someone's life is about to seriously change. Are you ready for that? No matter what is rolled the person being reincarnated still remembers their previous life as they would normally, retains their mental ability scores, their class levels, their alignment, and their personality.

1d100 Race
1 Blight*
2 Dryad
3 Nymph
4 Satyr
5 Selkie
6 Troglodyte
7 Doppelganger
8 Myconid
9 Cambion
10 Half-Dragon*
11 Rakshasa
12 Half-Demon*
13 Half- Devil*
14 Spriggan
15 Awakened Golem*
16 Shardmind
17 Oni
18 Yeti
19 Half-Dryad
20 Pixie
21 Dragon Wyrmling*
22 Illithid
23 Demon*
24 Devil*
25 Hag*
26 Elemental*
27 Drider
28 Darkling
29 Quickling
30 Ghoul
31 Medusa
32 Mimic
33 Gargoyle
34 Giant*
35 Slaad*
36 Boggle
37 Firenewt
38 Deep Scion
39 Flumph
40 Galeb Duhr
41 Ooze*
42 Gnoll
43 Grung*
44 Harpy
45 Redcap
46 Siren
47 Sprite
48 Lamia
49 Merperson
50 Tlincalli
51 Yuan-Ti (non-pureblood of player's choice)
52 Vegepygmy
53 Wood Woad
54 Banshee
55 Beholder
56 Half-Giant*
57 Brokkos
58 Ratfolk
59 Giff
60-99 Reroll
100 DM chooses
1d20 Powers
1d20 Powers
1-2 Draconic Sorcery*
3-4 Wild Sorcery
5-6 Divine Soul
7-8 Storm Sorcery
9-10 Phoenix Sorcery
11-12 Stone Sorcery
13-14 Sea Sorcery
15-16 Shadow Magic
17-18 Psionic Powers
19-20 Player Choice of Power
*roll on the dragon types table

Power Elaboration

For the most part, the powers in the previous table simply correspond to sorcerer classes, but if the player rolls psionic powers there are a few options. They could gain access to mystic levels, or could gain the ability to speak telepathically, or gain a use of rary's telepathic bond twice per long rest, or the ability to lift objects telekinetically, using their Intelligence to calculate the amount they can lift instead of Strength. It's really up to the player and their DM to collaborate on.


The following section contains tables for randomly generating various subraces such as dragon type, tiefling ancestry, goblinoid kind, elf race, demon or devil type, etc. Standard subraces

1d4 Subrace
1-2 Protector
3-4 Scourge
Dragon types
1d10 Type
1 Black
2 Blue
3 Brass
4 Bronze
5 Copper
6 Gold
7 Green
8 Red
9 Silver
10 White
1d6 Subrace
1-2 Hill Dwarf
3-4 Mountain Dwarf
5-6 Dreugar
1d8 Subrace
1 High Elf
2 Wood Elf
3 Drow
4 Eladrin
5 Sea Elf
6 Avariel
7 Grugach
8 Shadar-Kai
Elements (Genasi, Elementals)
1 Earth
2 Fire
3 Water
4 Air
1-2 Githyanki
3-4 Githzerai
1d6 Subrace
1d6 Subrace
1-2 Forest Gnome
3-4 Rock Gnome
5-6 Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin)
1d6 Subrace
1-2 Goblin
3-4 Bugbear
5-6 Hobgoblin
1d4 Subrace
1-2 Protector
3-4 Scourge
1d6 Subrace
1-2 Lightfoot
3-4 Stout
5-6 Ghostwise
1d8 Subrace
1 High Elf
2 Wood Elf
3 Drow
4 Eladrin
5 Sea Elf
6 Avariel
7 Grugach
8 Shadar-Kai
Kobold (chromatic dragon colors)
1d10 Subrace
1-2 Black
3-4 Blue
5-6 Green
7-8 Red
9-10 White
1d4 Subrace
1 Asmodeus
2 Baalzebul
3 Dispater
4 Fierna
5 Glasya
6 Levistus
7 Mammon
8 Abyssal
Optional Variants
1d10 Variant
1-2 Feral (SCAG, replaces the Ability Score Increase trait)
3-4 Devil's
5-6 Devil's Tongue (SCAG, replaces the Infernal Legacy trait)
7-8 Hellfire (SCAG, replaces the hellish rebuke spell of the Infernal Legacy trait)
9-10 Winged (SCAG, replaces the Infernal Legacy trait)
1d6 Subrace
1-2 Twig
3-4 Vine
5-6 Needle
Demon Types
1d12 Subrace
1 Armanite
2 Babau
3 Barlgura
4 Bulezau
5 Dybbuk
6 Hezrou
7 Marilith
8 Maurezhi
9 Nabassu
10 Shadow Demon
11 Tanarukk
12 Vrock
Devil Types
1d12 Subrace
1 Abishai (roll on kobold subclass table for chromatic type)
2 Barbed Devil
3 Bearded Devil
4 Bone Devil
5 Chain Devil
6 Erinyes
7 Horned Devil
8 Narzugon
9 Orthon
10 Pit Fiend
11 Spined Devil
12 Succubus/Incubus
1d6 Subrace
1 Bone
2 Clay
3 Flesh
4 Gemstone
5 Glass
6 Metal
7 Stone
8 Wood
Grung Color
1d6 Subrace
1 Blue
2 Gold
3 Green
4 Orange
5 Purple
6 Red
1d6 Subrace
1 Annis Hag
2 Bheur Hag
3 Green Hag
4 Night Hag
5 Red Hag
6 Sea Hag
1d10 Subrace
1 Cloud Giant
2 Cyclops
3 Fire Giant
4 Frost Giant
5 Hill Giant
6 Ogre
7 Oni
8 Stone Giant
9 Storm Giant
10 Troll
1d10 Subrace
1-2 Blue Slaad
3-4 Death Slaad
5-6 Gray Slaad
7-8 Green Slaad
9-10 Red Slaad
1d10 Subrace
1-2 Adult Oblex
3-4 Black Pudding
5-6 Gray Ooze
7-8 Ochre Jelly
9-10 Slithering Tracker

Magical Distortions

This section is meant to be used when a character has casted reincarnate in an unusual place, be it a plane of existence which is not the material plane, or in the heart of a vampire's lair. Find the table in this section that best fits the magics affecting the spell and roll on it, applying the results as needed. If the description on the table matches a trait your race already has (for example, if you've already rolled an Elf and then roll on the Fey table to add the fey ancestry and trance traits) roll again.

No matter what is rolled the person being reincarnated still remembers their previous life as they would normally, retains their mental ability scores, their class levels, their alignment, and their personality.

1d20 Result
1-6 The target is reincarnated as a skeletal version of what they rolled on the base table
7-11 The target is reincarnated as a zombie version of what they rolled on the base table
12 The target is reincarnated as a vampiric version of what they rolled on the base table
13 The target is reincarnated as a ghoulish version of what they rolled on the base table
14 Roll on the Exotic Races table, the target is brought back as a skeletal version of that race
15 The target is reincarnated as a wight version of what they rolled on the base table
16 The target is reincarnated as a revenant version of what they rolled on the base table
17 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but with a powerful undead taking an interest in them
18 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but with a level in shadow magic sorcery
19 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but with pure black eyes and grey skin. They have darkvision up to 120 ft
20 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but is healed by necrotic energy (such as inflict wounds) and harmed by positive energy (such as cure wounds)
1d20 Result
1 The target is reincarnated as a pixie or sprite
2 The target is reincarnated as an awakened plant
3 The target is reincarnated as an Eladrin
4 The target is reincarnated as a Satyr
5 The target is reincarnated as a Spriggan
6 The target is reincarnated as a Doppelganger
7 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but with a powerful fey taking an interest in them
8 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but with a set of antlers
9 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but with a set of butterfly or dragonfly wings, granting them a 30 ft flying speed
10 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they gain the fey ancestry and trance traits
11 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they learn Sylvan
12 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they gain physical traits resembling those of a type of hag, such as green skin, warts, or slimey skin
13 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they can speak to animals
14 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they can speak to plants
15 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but with a strange and detrimental fey curse determined by the DM
16 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they are made completely out of plant matter and are vulnerable to fire damage and do not need to eat
17 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but the lower half of their body is that of a deer or stag
18 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but their eyes are an unusual color and twinkle like stars at twilight
19 The caster grows a set of butterfly or dragonfly wings, but the target is not reincarnated
20 The caster grows a set of antlers, but the target is not reincarnated
1d20 Result
1-10 The target is reincarnated as an aasimar*
11 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they gain a set of angelic wings, granting them a 30 ft flying speed
12 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they are exceptionally beautiful and gain 2 charisma
13 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they are marked with the symbol of a god, goddess, or powerful angel
14 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they gain the Scourge Aasimar's Radiant Consumption ability
15 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they gain a selection of celestial traits typical to aasimar, such as clear skin, white hair, glowing eyes, feathers instead of hair, or glowing patterns across their skin
16 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they gain the paladin's Divine Sense power
17 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they learn Celestial
18 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but can cast cure wounds once per short rest without expending a spell slot
19 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but can cast zone of truth once per short rest without expending a spell slot
20 The target is reincarnated as an angel
1d20 Result
1-10 The target is reincarnated as a tiefling*
11 The target is reincarnated as a half-devil*
12 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they gain a set of devilish wings, granting them a 30 ft flying speed
13 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they are exceptionally beautiful and gain 2 charisma
14 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they are exceptionally hideous and lose 2 charisma (to a minimum of 1)
15 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they are marked with the symbol of a powerful fiend
16 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they gain a selection of fiendish traits typical to tieflings, such as horns, golden or red eyes, scales, cloven feet, six fingers, no cast shadow, no reflection, a tail, a forked tongue or smelling of brimstone
17 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they learn Infernal
18 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but they learn Abyssal
19 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains resistance to fire damage and is vulnerable to radiant damage
20 The target is reincarnated as a demon or devil* (player choice)

Elemental Distortions

1d20 Result
1-10 The target is reincarnated as a fire Genasi
11-13 The target is reincarnated as a fire elemental
14 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains resistance to fire damage
15 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but their eyes glow with the flames of an endless furnace
16 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but becomes vulnerable to cold damage
17 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but can cast burning hands at will as a first level spell can cast burning hands at will as a first level spell
18 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but has hair made of fire and is immune to fire damage
19 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but has veins that glow like magma
20 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains a level in phoenix sorcery
1d20 Result
1-10 The target is reincarnated as a water Genasi
11-13 The target is reincarnated as a water elemental
14 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains resistance to cold damage
15 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but their eyes look like deep, endless pools of water
16 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but must submerge in water once every three days or gain one level of exhaustion as they dry up
17 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but can cast ice knife at will as a first level spell
18 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains webbed toes and fingers, gaining a swimming speed equal to their land speed
19 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but has fish scales and a few vestigal fins
20 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains a level in sea sorcery
1d20 Result
1-10 The target is reincarnated as an earth Genasi
11-13 The target is reincarnated as an earth elemental
14 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains resistance to bludgeoning damage
15 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but their eyes appear to be made of gemstones
16 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but is abnormally dense and heavy, their base land speed is lowered by 5 ft
17 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but can cast earth tremor at will as a first level spell
18 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but is made of crystal, and has resistance to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage from non-magical weapons
19 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but has skin textured like marble or layers of sandstone
20 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains a level in stone sorcery
1d20 Result
1-10 The target is reincarnated as an air Genasi
11-13 The target is reincarnated as an air elemental
14 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains resistance to lightning damage
15 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but their eyes appear to crackle with electricity
16 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains a severe fear of being underground, and has disadvantage on all skill checks and saving throws while underground.
17 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but can cast feather fall at will
18 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains power over the winds, gifting them with a flying speed equal to their land speed. They also can hover up to a foot in the air and travel this way instead of walking
19 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but has feathers instead of hair and weighs half as much as they appear they should
20 The target is reincarnated as the race they rolled on the base table, but gains a level in storm sorcery

Other Tables

1d20 Animal
1 Big Cat
2 Bear
3 Camel
4 Deer/Elk/Stag
5 Dog
6 Snake
7 Lizard
8 Crab/Lobster
9 Octopus
10 Fish
11 Frog
12 Boar
13 Bird
14 Goat
15 Scorpion/Spider
16 Wasp
17 Rhino
18 Sea Horse
19 Wolf
20 Horse
1d6 Curse
1 Tiger
2 Bear
3 Wolf
4 Boar
5 Rat
6 Raven