Welcome, comrade, to a land where the keesh and honey flows like blood of our enemies.
Overseen by great king Pehr Lim, Lagos government is best in all of Geoss. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. If not, we feed you to alligator-persons.
Here in sunny Lagos, you can participate in such entertainment activity as:
The Firelake is seldom visited by outsiders, and for good reason. The native firenewts view outsiders as a source of food, and most strangers to the island don't survive more than a few hours. The few survivors who find their way back home tell tales of how they won their freedom by conquering a challenge issued by the firenewts.
The Firelake civilization is far more barbaric than what most humanoids are accustomed to. Firenewts believe themselves to be the gods' chosen people, and allow very few non-firenewts to roam their mountain haven.
Only firenewts are welcome in the caverns of Firelake. Any other creatures caught on the island are promptly captured and stored to be cooked for the next meal. However, it is common for firenewts to issue a challenge to their prisoners before eating them. Any prisoner who conquers this challenge is released, and on rare occasions made an honorary firenewt.
Tahl Town is often referred to as "Bandit Town" by those loyal to Amarillo. Tahl Town has few modern conveniences, and its people have a gruffness about them. Most of the residents of Tahl Town are outcasts. Some are criminals on the lam, paupers who couldn't afford life in Amarillo, or mages hoping to perform magical experiments without government regulation. Regardless of each citizen's reason for living in Tahl Town, they almost universally share a hatred of larger governments.
Tahl Town is named after its founder, Joban Tahl. Once a simple farmer living outside of Amarillo, Tahl became frustrated with the rule of the Lims. He vowed to end the tyranny of the Lims. Many of his peers shared his views, and gladly followed him into the wilds to the west of the capital. The new alliance built a city to call their own, and declared themselves to be an independent kingdom.
Tahl Town's laws are very minimalistic. Because of this, a traveler's experiences in Tahl Town are very dependent upon their strength. A weak traveler will likely be assaulted, robbed, or worse. A more formidable traveler may find that they enjoy the freedom offered by the city.
Tahl Town's has no formal education system, and most of its citizens come from humble backgrounds with little academic prowess. As a result, their view of the world is very skewed. Tahl Town's population is mostly human, but other races are welcomed as long as the citizens are already familiar with them. More exotic races are often mistrusted, if not outright driven out of town.
Amarillo has long been ruled by the Lim clan. Members of the Lim family are often plagued by madness. This combination of political power and insanity often proves to be a potent mix, and has earned Amarillo a reputation as a force to be reckoned with. Within the last century, the Lim family has used this power to intimidate many smaller kingdoms into subservience. These kingdoms have become provinces within the greater kingdom of Amarillo.
Members of the Lim clan tend to perish at a young age, and seldom due to natural causes. The high mortality rate among Lims has driven them nearly out of existence. Only two known heirs remain.
Under the watchful eyes of the Lims, Amarillo was crafted to become an economic powerhouse. There is a tremendous disparity between the wealthy and the impoverished, with almost citizens between these two financial standings. This is a frequent cause of derision among Amarillo's residents. The upper class tend to view the poor as more beast then human, while the lower class often believe the upper class to be nothing more than uppity thieves.
Amarillo's populous is primarily human, but other races are welcome (as long as they are good for business).
Little is known of the origins of the civilization formerly known as "Bubble-Town." The city was renamed "Budopolis" recently after a change of leadership.
Budopolis is inhabited by giant shark and lizard people with a constant case of the munchies. Visitors are welcome, but may also become food. It's lit fam.
The unofficially dubbed 'Sky Isle' seems unperturbed by the laws of gravity. It is actually a small fragment of another plane that has begun to bleed into this one through a planar rift.
The ancient village atop the Sky Isle had long been abandoned when it bled through into this plane. It has since become a melting pot of sorts, with the bulk of its populace comprised of pirates, Amarillan soldiers, or Grung.
The residents of the Sky Isle are an unpredictable, and often untrusting lot. Survival of visitors is not guaranteed, regardless of race or allegiance.
Vidan's RestVidan's Rest is a sprawling city on the coast of the Verdant Isle. The city was founded millennia ago by Vidan himself, so that he could teach its residents how to live in harmony with all life. Nothing in Vidan's Rest is made of wood. The stone streets are lined with polished stone structures and luminous palm trees. Due to its location and status as a market hub, Vidan's Rest sees a large number of visitors on a daily basis.
Vidan's Rest is a trade hub, and a popular travel destination for those who wish to experience the Verdant Isle. The people of Vidan's Rest are exceptionally welcoming of any outsiders, and many earn a living offering food or shelter for travelers.
All non-violent, living creatures are welcome in Vidan's Rest. Citizens of Vidan's Rest abhor killing of any kind, and undeath is seen as an affront to the natural cycle of life. Undead are ritualistically turned, and anyone witnessed killing a living thing is given a Life Penalty.
Graisham has one of the highest land to citizen ratio of any charted settlement. Legends say that Tordanei used these grounds eons ago to hone her weather controlling abilities. In her training, Tordanei caused fracture-like ridges to erupt from the ground, separating Graisham into 5 distinct segments. She then used these to experiment with new climates. The goddess Graisum was delighted at her sister Tordanei's handiwork, and promptly set to work filling these climate fragments with natural life.
The climate displaced center of Graisham is home to the goddess Graisum and a small handful of carefully chosen followers. They are fiercely protective of this territory and the plant life within it. While most people are unable to survive within the circle, small farms pepper the outlying area. The largest cluster of civilization lies at the base of one of the ridges, and is populated by devout followers of Graisum.
Most people who travel to Graisham do so during a religious pilgrimage. The vast majority wish to make an offering to Graisum in exchange for blessings upon their harvest, but there are some who make offerings to Tordanei. While Tordenei is seldom seen in Graisham, it is said that she returns frequently to keep up the climate zones for her sister.
Nearly all races are welcome on the outskirts of the climate circle, so long as they respect nature. All Graishamites detest destruction of plants, but none so much as Graisham's chosen followers. Many an adventurer has entered the climate circle, only to be slain as punishment for treading on a sacred blade of grass.
An underground city carved out of solid rock as a safe haven for races unwelcome in the surface world. The founders of Aphotia were primarily drow, deep gnome, and gray dwarves. As a result, the city is kept very dark to accommodate creatures with an aversion to light.
Aphotia's favored aesthetic is neon. This allows for a very distinct visual flavor, while also giving off very little light. This is used to highlight focal points in architecture, entrances to buildings, and to provide the illusion of color to nearby objects.
Aphotia is unconcerned by the races of its visitors. However, light is a controlled substance. Creating anything brighter than the dimmest of lights results in almost immediate execution.
Emerald's EdgeEmerald's Edge is home to a peculiar culture, shaped by centuries surrounded by beating waves and scorching sands. The driving force of nearly every citizen is greed. This town incredibly wealthy, fiercely protective of the wealth it has, and ever-desperate to become even wealthier.
Of all the major hub cities on Lagos, Laketon is the most easygoing. Its position between a lake basin and the ocean means its citizens never want for food. Living in such abundance has caused the Laketonians to adopt a much slower way of life, and embrace many water-based sports.
This fallen wizards tower was once home to a powerful transmutation wizard. Driven mad by his own ambition, the wizard sought to remake the world to his own liking. The wizard was slain by a party of heroes.
Faire RanchFaire Ranch is the oldest operating ranch in the kingdom of Amarillo. While its major products include both livestock and produce, its bread and butter has always been horses. The Faire family is the primary supplier of food for the city of Amarillo. While this provides enough income to keep the farm operational, recent advances in transportation have drastically reduced the farms profitability.
Faire Ranch seldom has sightseers. Visitors are welcome if they intend to do business with the ranch. Visitors who do not have business with the ranch are usually asked to leave.
SudmossWhat was once a peaceful fishing village is now little more than a collection of broken houses and scattered skeletons. The cause of Sudmoss' sudden destruction is shrouded in mystery, but rumors suggest that it was besieged by men with the faces of fish.
Unfortunately, no culture remains in Sudmoss.
Ancient RuinsDescription goes here.
Matthias Manor Dryad's Grove ThistletonThistleton is home to a race of peculiar frog people known as Grippli. It was built to be a safe haven for the Grippli and their Fey allies, and is very well hidden deep within the trees. The existence and approximate location of Thistleton is widely known, but few outsiders know how to find it.
Thistleton's residents often refer to themselves as "the good folk", and this largely holds true. An evil Grippli is almost unheard of.
The Grippli are a simple people. Most are content to live out their days under the rule of their queen, or "Tribe Mother", and remain in the forest. Many Grippli live their entire lives without ever leaving the forest or meeting other races. Because of this, they are very wary of outsiders. They will not attack unless provoked, but most Grippli will hide from any outsiders.
OkhamOkham is a small but remarkably sophisticated city on the Verdant Isle. Okham was founded by 5 tinkerers who wanted a workshop far away from the any lesser minds. Over time, their ambitions grew, and the town grew with them. The tinkerers recruited citizens with the promise of free homes for anyone able to aid in the advance of science.
Okham's citizens are all scientists or tinkerers. The city is run by a council of elected officials known as The Razor. Candidates are usually selected based on prior achievements, or sheer sharpness of wit.
Okham is a scientific community above all else. Intelligence and innovation are essential qualities in any persons looking to become citizens.
Okhamites value brains over brawn, and have little interest in a persons' race or beliefs. Members of any race are welcome, but all newcomers must either pass the entrance exam or possess an invitation from a member of The Razor.
Moonfire VilageHidden amount the peaks of the Moonfire Mountains lies a civilization of frost giants. The harsh environment ensures that the giants have very few visitors, which is fine by them.
The giants are fierce warriors, and kill for sport. Any visitors deemed strong enough for combat are almost certain to be slaughtered.
TilaporthTilaporth is a small port city, and is the departure point for most of the expeditions into the new world.
The import of exotic goods is Tilaporth's bread and butter. Due to the difficulty in obtaining many items from other continents, these goods can be sold at a very high price.
Visitors of any race are welcome in Tilaporth. Visitors of unrecognized races are even more welcome. In many cases, the unrecognized visitors are treated like royalty, in an attempt to coax out information about their homeland.
Southport is a hub of nearly every conceivable criminal activity. Founded by pirates, for pirates, it is a safe haven for those in need of a dark corner to hide in.
Recent advances in airship technology have all but destroyed the traditional sea-pirate career field. As a result, Southport has had to turn to other sources of income. The formerly fearsome town has been remodeled into a tourist trap. Visitors are offered an authentic pirate experience, and are offered at least one complimentary raid with most inn packages.
Southport has rebranded itself as an escape from everyday life, and has begun to market to nearby towns. The people here celebrate pirate culture in the hopes of preserving the memory of their way of life.
Visitors of any race are welcome here, provided they have coin or experience with sea-piracy. Air-pirates are... less welcome.
Wüstebie is a small kobold village at the western edge of the Scorchwind Desert. The kobolds use the arid climate to experiment with jerky making, and are non-hostile to visitors with coin.
Visitors of all races are permitted in Wüstebie, although Kobolds do tend to have unpredictable prejudices.
The Temple of the Sacred Soul is nestled high atop a mountain, away from the materialistic lifestyle of the major cities.
The teachings of the temple discourage the concept of ownership. They believe that a full belly, a warm place to sleep, and a sense of purpose within the universe are all one really needs in life.
Under the current grand master, the temple has become decidedly anti-Kenku. Other races are welcome.
Elmusk is a small settlement built around a large tower. The tower is inhabited by a strange old gnome known as "The Right Honorable Royal Highness Emperor Princess Jeeb the Wise, First of His Name, Rocker of Parties, Petter of Small Mammals, and Generally Good Guy". The Elmusk has no official system of government, but the citizens usually look to the sole resident of the tower for guidance and wisdom.
Visitors of all races are welcome in Elmusk. Well, maybe not Hobgoblins. They smell funny.
Notriven is a mountaintop monument to the goddess of wisdom, Notriv. Ancient traditions often use altitude to symbolize wisdom, and teachings stressed the value of traveling to broaden one's mind.
Notriven is not a town or settlement, but Aarakocra often use the surrounding mountain peaks as nesting grounds.
Notriven is an important landmark for followers of Notriv. The long journey up the mountain was thought to be a demonstration of one's dedication to experiencing all the world has to offer. The advent of airships has changed this pilgrimage, and caused a rift in Notriv's worshippers. Purists insist on making the trek up the mountain on foot, while the other sect believes that airship travel is the wiser method.
Notriven Aarakocra are friendly with outsiders for most of the year, but their demeanor changes drastically around the spring mating season. Aarakocra remain friendly up until their eggs are laid, with some becoming extra amicable with compatible visitors. Once their eggs are laid, the Aarakocra become defensive and reclusive until the eggs are hatched.
Salem was once a modest town populated by humans. However, it was destroyed centuries ago for reasons that have long been forgotten.
Salem was originally a somber place, constantly beset by plagues and curses. Over time, its citizens either perished, or left to find a home with less murderous intent. The town lay empty for centuries afterwards, becoming a popular subject for conspiracy theorists and campfire stories.
Rumor has it that those brave enough to enter Salem's borders can hear the corpses of its people clawing at the earth, trying to escape their eternal rest.
Mortadus' Colosseum is usually spoken of in awed whispers. It is one of few places where a mortal is guaranteed to be in the presence of a god, but with this honor comes a great cost. Countless warriors have met their end here, trying to prove themselves to Mortadus.
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Victarn is something of a safe-haven for arcane avengers. It is home to one of the worlds only recorded academies for monster hunters.
One could argue that Thorntoft is more of a glorified mine than a town. Regardless of how you categorize the settlement, its residents love nothing more than digging holes.
The population of Thorintoft is mostly Dwarf, but there is a surprising number of Kobold citizens. While Dwarves and Kobolds are already adept at underground ventures, rumors suggest they have a different secret to success.
Carnalyn is a barbarian's dream-come-true. The rules are scarce, and law enforcement does not exist. Brawls are not only expected, but encouraged. Carnalyn is an exceedingly violent place, and certainly not for the feint of heart.
Pendale is a small community created to perserve knowledge. The general populace is notably unintelligent, ruled by the handful of more learned officials. This allows for a large amount of manpower to defend the libraries, but not enough literacy to spread their contents.
The citizens of Troutbeck structure their lives and beliefs around the lessons gleaned from aquatic animals. This city is definitel a bit... fishy.
Rrostar is a community of artists. It hosts annual festivals focused almost entirely on song, and is home to one of the most successful bardic colleges. All visitors are welcome, as long as they have an appreciation for music.
Planehaven is effectively a village-sized rehabilitation clinic. Criminals sentenced to punishments overly harsh for their crimes are occaisionally given the option to relocate to Planehaven instead of facing their assigned comeuppance.
Seated firmly between a village of myth and a city of science, Acfirth is torn between two wildly different worlds. As such, it is a popular home for those who wish to master the best of both worlds.
RiverportRiverport is the much lesser known port town on the Verdant Isle. With little of note to help it stand out from Vidan's Rest, Riverport is constantly looked over by traders and travelers alike. Riverportians make full use of this low profile to encourage business from traders with... less savory cargo.
DuforthDuforth was founded by Wood Elves, and its culture is saturated with the influence of Fey. Outsiders are permitted within the walls of Duforth, but they may find the experience rather bemusing.
BecktoftBecktoft was the product of a gold rush several decades ago. One lucky traveler found a small amount of gold in the nearby river. Once word got out, the town sprang up practically overnight.
Many drifters still come to Becktoft seeking to claim their fortunes, but it appears that the golden river may have run dry.
Akorsfield is a small, idyllic town built near the site of mysterious ruins. The town is the subject of many urban legends, most of which speak of giant squid or men with tentacles.
Richton is a place where ambitious old heroes go to wait out old age. Here they keep an ear to the ground, and try to monitor the world to ensure it stays on the right track.
Grinford is little more than a small community built around a large factory. The factory staff was chosen based on the cheapest labor available, and as such is mostly monsters or undesireables. These are trained to mass produce metal or mechanical products for the masses, with the designs usually being provided by outside businesses.
Carriglean is a training ground for warriors. Here, anyone strong of heart can dedicate theemselves to the study of warfare. Members of any non-monstrous race are welcome, as long as they are unflinching in the face of danger.